Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Fresh From The Oven 9 - September 2011 - Fougasse.

Ooops I am rather late with Fresh From The Oven this month but it did mean I got to nosey at everyone else's attempts first and get inspiration!

So I made a plain white one, a plain white one with rock salt, an olive and rosemary one and a roquefort, pear and walnut one.  It was MUCH easier to make a pretty leaf shape with the plain ones but the other two were more flavourful.  I think I might generally make enough dough to make a plain one and a filled one.  It also allowed for everyone in the family to have what they preferred.

I used the white dough recipe and the instructions for fougasse from "Dough" by Richard Bertinet.  I bought this book for Steve for his Christmas.  I think it is a lovely book - very inspiring!

The roquefort, pear and walnut filling was inspired by Sally from My Custard Pie.  Her version had roquefort and pear in it and she was inspired by a Dan Lepard recipe which used roquefort and walnut. I decided to combine them to get the best of both worlds.

Recipe (adapted from plain white bread dough from Richard Bertinet's book).

Ingredients - 
10g yeast (fresh if possible)
500g Strong bread flour
10g salt
350g water (or 350mls but weighing is more accurate)

Method - 
Ummm, I just tipped all the ingredients into my Kenwood Chef and left it running with the dough hook for 10 mins or so.  I ten let the dough rise in a warm place for 1 hour.
I ten divided the dough into four then placed each one on a floured surface and let it spread out into a rectangle shape.  I then cut a large diagonal cut through the middle of the dough.  I did this with a sharp knife but found it easier to do on subsequent ones by slicing with a pair of scissors.  I then made smaller cuts fanning out on either side of the large cut to make a kind of leaf shape.  I used my fingers to stretch out the holes to try to keep them from closing over again during cooking.
I heated my oven to 230C and placed a tin of water in the bottom of the oven.  I then baked the fougasse for 10 - 12 minutes.


  1. Yes - think I should have proof-read the recipe before posting. Sorry for the missing letters and the repeats of "I then". Shoddy!

  2. Thank you for taking part. Glad you enjoyed it and made a variety of flavours.

  3. I haven't taken part in ages but I am tempted... and now you've done this even though it's late has made me really want to make it, they loo marvellous and soooo easy!

  4. I loved the pear and stilton - how was it with walnuts too? Liked the plain version equally - both recipes very different. Your shape is really pretty.

  5. Roquefort, pear and walnut? Ohhh, this sounds utterly delicious! I wish I'd been a little more adventurous with my offering!

  6. Purelyfood - thank you - sorry I didn't get my act together enough to be on time.

    Dom - I noticed you hadn't done it this time. These pretty breads would look lovely in your new kitchen! ;-)

    Sally - The walnuts gave a nice bite to them. Fantatsic flavour combination and very seasonal so than you very much for sharing your ideas.

    Kate - I know - I'm thinking of other ideas to use those flavours in - YUM!

  7. Pear, walnut and roquefort, yum! Yours look lovely - mine were all over the place. I think the scissor tip is a good one though - I use my trusty pound shop scissors for everything!

  8. Your breads both look fabulous! Kelly-Jane

  9. Ohh, that is so pretty! Looks so very "fall" :D

  10. I like the new look to the blog! I want the Dough book on my shelf. I must try fougasse, yours looks great.

  11. I wish I had been able to take part in the challenge for this bread, your efforts look very impressive to me.
